mean? These 2-year programs focus on the history of choreography, as well as creating original dances and working with performers. Choreography - Quizlet Choreography is the discipline of designing sequences of movement for physical bodies, or the depiction thereof, such that both movement and form is specified. (Dancing) the composition of dance steps and sequences for ballet and stage dancing 2. They also develop different interpretations of existing dances for an individual dancer or group of dancers (chorus). When an event is published, each sub-process implements an aspect of the process. in the dictionary. ¹ Source: [n -PHIES] Lexicographical . THE ART OF CHOREOGRAPHY. Circle: circ: Move forward, turning, as on the circumference of a circle. ! (by extension) The art of creating and arranging sequences of movement for . Choreography. choreography choregraphy ( kɒˈrɛɡrəfɪ) / ( ˌkɒrɪˈɒɡrəfɪ) / noun the composition of dance steps and sequences for ballet and stage dancing the steps and sequences of a ballet or dance the notation representing such steps the art of dancing Derived forms of choreography In the 19th and 20th centuries, however, the meaning shifted, inaccurately but universally, while the written record came to be known as dance notation. dance - Choreography | Britannica for more information! Glossary of Dance Terms - Round Dancing Choreography: the unknown and ignored - Offscreen More Definitions -- CALLERLAB C1 Definitions (noun) choreography in American English (ˌkɔriˈɑɡrəfi, ˌkour-) noun 1. the art of composing ballets and other dances and planning and arranging the movements, steps, and patterns of dancers 2. the technique of representing the various movements in dancing by a system of notation 3. the arrangement or manipulation of actions leading up to an event Information and translations of choreography in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Master's programs in choreography also are available. (Dancing) the notation representing such steps 4. Definition of choreography noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary choreography noun /ˌkɒriˈɒɡrəfi/ /ˌkɔːriˈɑːɡrəfi/ [uncountable] the art of designing and arranging the steps and movements in dances, especially in ballet; the steps and movements in a particular ballet or show She's been asked to do the choreography for a new musical. Choreography is the art of designing sequences of movements in which motion, form or both are specified. Choreography The art of representing dancing by signs, as music is represented by notes; -- also called choregraphy. Meaning of Choreography.. What does Choreography. Definition: Choreography. Choreographic Forms - Amy M. Crow CHOREOGRAPHY Synonyms: 2 Synonyms & Antonyms for ... He has an interest in choreography. ¹. noun 1 2 The art of devising dances, esp. choreography translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'choregraphy',choreograph',chorography',choreographer', examples, definition, conjugation BPMN Orchestration vs Choreography vs Collaboration phy Pronunciation: k r--äg-r-f, k r-Function: noun: the art of arranging dances especially for ballet This pattern is a natural model for the serverless architecture . (Dancing) the steps and sequences of a ballet or dance 3. Choreography \Chor`e*og"ra*phy\, n. [Gr. taking a sequence of choreography and reversing the order from back to front. Whenever you put sequences of exercises together, in other words, whenever you teach a water fitness class, you are creating choreography. noun 1 2 Dancing, esp. CHOREOGRAPH | Meaning & Definition for UK English | Part II examines one of the leading cases addressing intellectual property protection for choreogra- phy, Horgan v. McMillian. The term is often associated with dance, but it is used in a variety of fields other than dance, including water fitness. a ballet. Since there are 12 spots and only 8 actual dancers, 4 of the spots will be vacant (occupied by phantom dancers). A composer writes music, which musicians then perform. A definition of core process with several common examples. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from French, exactly from "chorégraphie" and was created by . Definition: Choreography - Gymnastics ZoneGymnastics Zone The choreography is an agreed-upon model for interactions that may consist of a series of orchestrations. 2. Up to BPMN 1.1 choreographies are represented in the same diagrams as orchestrations. • Observation is the key to their choreography . A theme is a movement pattern that is comparable to a simple sentence in writing. Information and translations of Choreography. Dance choreography is sometimes called dance composition.. Definition (noun) the representation of dancing by symbols . Choreography: The arrangement of steps, figures, and patterns into a routine to match the phrasing of a piece of music. Explore Dance Topic They represent the ongoing end-to-end practices that deliver the organization's goals. The thrusts and strikes of the weapons set up an intricate and baroque sequence of angles and lines. The term is often associated with dance, but it is used in a variety of fields other than dance, including water fitness. verb [with object] 1 Compose the sequence of steps and moves for (a ballet or other performance of dance) 'the ballet was choreographed by Diaghilev' More example sentences Plan and control (an event or operation) 'the committee choreographs the movement of troops' More example sentences Origin 1940s back-formation from choreography. Aspects of dance choreography include the compositional use of organic unity, rhythmic or non-rhythmic articulation, theme and . Choreography can describe anything from the first ballet . Choreography allows dance to be translated from the choreographer's mind to a dancer's body. All Free. Force can be the difference between a manic, energetic dance and one that seems relaxed and effortless . Use includes shape, direction, path, range . ***. Definition of Choreography. Menu Search " Definition of choreography in the dictionary. Definition of choreography - What it is, Meaning and Concept. She studied choreography. See more. Overall, choreography is the elaboration of movements and the links between them, and this definition is good for the musical [dance] as well as martial arts. She has staged many successful ballets, so her choreography skills must be excellent. Space. What does choreography mean? If you enjoyed Like and Subscribe! in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Choreography is particularly important in musical theater, ballet, opera, and dance recitals. Choreography may also refer to the design itself, which is sometimes expressed by means of dance notation.A choreographer is one who creates dances. Noun. Shape. You can complete the definition of choreography given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster . Study Choreography sets on Quizlet for free. • The choreography remains a moment by moment response to the poems and, awkwardly, these themselves are not especially good. 1. Nike is partnering with dance choreographer Parris Goebel, artist Megan Thee Stallion, fitness athlete Tunde Oyeneyin and others who are creating a new community of athletes. When developing choreography, the choreographer relies on important principles of organization to ensure that . Noun. It obfuscates the workflow definition. Most recent works of Western theatre dance have been created by single choreographers, who have been regarded as the authors and owners of their works in a way comparable to writers, composers, and painters. Definitions of choreography. fər, ˌkoʊr- / (Definition of choreography from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press) Examples of choreography choreography Clap You can complete the definition of choreography given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster . [noncount] : the art or job of deciding how dancers will move in a performance. In addition to coursework and performance opportunities, students may have to complete a thesis involving artistic perspective and theories of choreography. dance + -graphy.] From a quarter tag, trade-by, or other appropriate formations: This call is followed by a fraction, which is the number of quarters to do the call (if not specified, 4 quarters). Choreography may also refer to the design itself. 2. Choreography the planning and coordination of activities for an event, especially one to be held in public. /ˌkori ˈ ɑːgrəfi/. Choreography is the art of designing sequences of movements in which motion, form, or both are specified.Choreography may also refer to the design itself, which is sometimes expressed by means of dance notation.The word choreography literally means "dance-writing" from the Greek words "χορεία" (circular dance, see choreia) and "γραφή" (writing). dance - dance - Choreography: Choreography is the art of making dances, the gathering and organization of movement into order and pattern. Action Choreography. Choreography Notation in BPMN 1.1. CDL is defined as Choreography Definition Language rarely. Consider this pattern if you experience performance bottlenecks in the central orchestrator. ¹. choreography ( countable and uncountable, plural choreographies ) ( uncountable) The art of creating, arranging and recording the dance movements of a work, such as a ballet . The choreographer should consider the rhythm, the movement, and the space pattern of each portion as it is to be viewed against the others. The art of representing dancing by signs, as music is represented by notes; -- also called choregraphy. A choreographer is one who creates choreographies by practicing the art of choreography, a process known as choreographing. The notation used to construct this record. Use the choreography pattern if you expect to update, remove, or add new services frequently. Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. Noun. Unlike in other scenic arts, a contemporary dance choreographer is usually a general director in charge of making the decisions upon every matter included . Dictionary entry overview: What does choreography mean? It reflects your ideas which you wish to convey and is recognizable throughout your dance piece. Tweet. Chug: With weight on both feet, bend the knees and then straighten sharply, causing the feet to slide back. The entire app can be modified with lesser effort and minimal disruption to existing services. Choreographer definition, a person who creates dance compositions and plans and arranges dance movements and patterns for dances and especially for ballets. A Choreographer creates original dance movements and routines for performances and productions. Definition: ID: 3754. (Anything) and Circle (1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full) Definition: ID: 4074. ¹. Whenever you put sequences of exercises together, in other words, whenever you teach a water fitness class, you are creating choreography. choreography. Ballet Term Definition. Think of it like the art of composing music. What Is Choreography? Information about the characteristics of Choreography. ballet dancing. I am in agreement with many of the points on its advantages compared to an Orchestration based system. CHOREOGRAPHY, is the art of creating a dance: selecting steps, gestures, and other movements and arranging these movements in sequences to make a series of formal patterns.The term also refers to the sequences and patterns themselves. Find 2 ways to say CHOREOGRAPHY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Choreography: (1) A compilation of movements which make up a dance or gymnastics beam or floor routine. 1. This is the British English definition of choreography.View American English definition of choreography.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Let's start with a choreography definition: It's the art of creating and arranging dances. In BPMN 2.0, it provide the definition and additional notation for expressing choreography. What is the definition of Choreography? Before entering fully into the meaning of the term choreography, we are going to know its etymological origin. While it is used in classical ballet, the term choreography is used to describe steps in a dance for every single form of dance. choreography: [noun] the art of symbolically representing dancing. Those of us who have been through the process of creating a choreography know that in contemporary dance, a choreographer does a lot more than just composing dance. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Learner's definition of CHOREOGRAPHY. Force is a third compositional element that regards the energy and dynamics of movement. Something, such as a series of planned situations, likened to dance arrangements. choreographies See word origin Frequency: Something, such as a series of planned situations, likened to dance arrangements. Learn what you need to get good grades in your classes. Choreography is the setting of dance movements to music. The sequence of events emitted by individual services implicitly defines the workflow. in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. This section reveals that legal protection of choreography has a checkered history, given legislative reluctance to grant protection to this important art form. definition of choreography. Search choreography and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. choreography ( n.) the representation of dancing by symbols as music is represented by notes; choreography ( n.) a notation used by choreographers; From A choreographer works with dancers to interpret and develop ideas and transform them into the finished performance. 'the rumbustious choreography reflects the themes of the original play' More example sentences How Orchestration Can Kill Microservices and Create a Distributed Monolith. an element of dance that refers to the immediate spherical area surrounding the body in all directions. Definition of Choreography. choreography - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA. The choreography for this section is fast and furious and shows Lam driving the fight by lashing out at Wong, who proves equal to the challenge both in terms of martial arts technique and nerve. Definition of choreographer noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Similarly, a choreographer creates a routine for a dancer (or a group of dancers) to perform. Definition of Choreography. in the dictionary. Processes are broken into independent sub-processes that all listen for events such as transactions. There is no formal statement that describes steps, permitted transitions, and possible failures. Choosing between microservices choreography vs orchestration will make a difference in how seamlessly the services function behind the scenes and whether you succeeded in building a microservices architecture or distributed monolith. Choreographer definition, a person who creates dance compositions and plans and arranges dance movements and patterns for dances and especially for ballets. The word derives from the Greek for "dance" and for "write." In the 17th and 18th centuries, it did indeed mean the written record of dances. Find. Choreography flashcards, diagrams and study guides. the positioning of the body in space: curved, straight, angular, twisted, symmetrical, or asymmetrical. The representation of these movements by a series of symbols. by soetrust November 18, 2021 Leave a reply 2. What are the main responsibilities of a Choreographer? ? choreography, the art of creating and arranging dances. You can use the word choreography to mean "dance" or "ballet," but its specific meaning is the notation a choreographer makes on paper as she plans out the complex movements and steps made by dancers. However, the elements that allow for a complete definition of a choreography are still to be defined. This concept establishes three groups of 4 dancers each; the dancers in each group are in either a box, column, line, or wave. choreography ( n.) a show involving artistic dancing; Synonyms: stage dancing. 1. a show involving artistic dancing 2. the representation of dancing by symbols as music is represented by notes 3. a notation used by choreographers Familiarity information: CHOREOGRAPHY used as a noun is uncommon. In dance, choreography is the act of designing dance. • CHOREOGRAPHY (noun) The noun CHOREOGRAPHY has 3 senses:. A Choreographer designs and directs the dance or stylized movement in musical productions, working closely with the director and musical director. CDL stands for Choreography Definition Language. See more. (2) The artistic creation of original movements which make up a dance or gymnastics routine with all the necessary requirements: acrobatic and choreographic elements, pirouettes, jumps, etc. Definition of Choreography. This is typically achieved with a publish/subscribe model whereby processes subscribe to events. Choreography is a classical ballet term assigned to the actual steps, patterns and grouping of steps that make up a ballet or dance. The art of creating, arranging and recording the dance movements of a ballet etc. Choreography refers to the way in which an idea is expressed physically through dance. Choreography is the art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies (or their depictions) in which motion or form or both are specified. noun. noun 1 3 Information and translations of Choreography. Choreography is the art of designing sequences of movements in which motion, form or both are specified. From a B2B perspective, orchestrations are intra-organization while choreographies are . In my opinion, you should find yourself moving away from literal movement choices as you choreograph prayer-in-motion. noun 2 3 The arrangement or the written notation of the movements of a dance, esp. Prepare for homework and exams with Quizlet's free online flashcards, diagrams, study guides and practice tests. CDL stands for Choreography Definition Language. 1. However, choreography can introduce two main challenges for the visibility of your workflow. The fights in Hong Kong martial arts films need not be considered only as confrontation but as narrative elements. Choreography vs. Orchestration. Definition and synonyms of choreography from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Therefore, non-literal movement should be the main source of your choreography library. Choreography is a technique for implementing complex processes. From the perspective of composing Web services to execute business processes, orchestration is a more flexible paradigm and has the following advantages over choreography: The coordination of component processes is centrally managed by a known coordinator. Non-literal movement vocabulary is used with choreography tools to widen movement vocabulary and to enhance biblical concepts. choreography /ˌkori ˈ ɑːgrəfi/ noun. choreography ( ˌkɒrɪˈɒɡrəfɪ) or choregraphy n 1. Search choreography and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. Core processes are business processes that have significant commercial impact for an organization. Abbreviation to define. This might mean taking overall control of a production, or working under the director of an opera, play or musical. ballets. (Dancing) the art of dancing [C18: from Greek khoreia dance + -graphy] ˌchoreˈographer, choˈregrapher n Memorize important Choreography terms, definitions and concepts. My list of top 5 fights in anime with best overall choreography!! choreography - Dictionary definition and meaning for word choreography. Printer friendly. Definition (noun) a show involving artistic dancing Synonyms: stage dancing. The easiest way to understand what lies behind the term action choreography is by starting with the well-known term choreography. n choreography The art of designing and arranging dances, especially ballet-dances. mean? Meaning of Choreography.. What does Choreography. Noun. Meaning of choreography. The post describes the benefits of Choreography for a Microservices based architecture. 3. choreography Pronunciation /ˌkɒrɪˈɒɡrəfi/ See synonyms for choreography on Translate choreography into Spanish noun mass noun 1 The sequence of steps and movements in dance or figure skating, especially in a ballet or other staged dance. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. the art of composing dances for individuals or groups, including the planning of the movements and steps; also, the planning of movements and steps for figure skaters, performed on ice. Theme is a movement pattern that is comparable to a dancer & # ;. Of choreography, we are going to know its etymological origin: [ ]... And performance opportunities, students may have to complete a thesis involving artistic dancing Synonyms!, orchestrations are intra-organization while choreographies are learn What you need to get good grades your! Study guides and practice tests vocabulary is used in a variety of fields other than dance, water... However, the elements that allow for a complete definition of choreography.View American.., causing the feet to slide back and minimal disruption to existing services the representation of movements. And recording the dance movements of a dance or gymnastics beam or floor routine the design itself which. 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